My Story

My wife and I have been married for 30+ years, we have two grown children, and recently became grandparents. I have 30+ years professional experience on the business-management side of the education, technology, and local non-profit industries.

I graduated from the University of Oregon with a degree in Finance/Accounting and we have called Eugene “home” for most of our adult lives. We love the people, the weather, and the lifestyle here in the Willamette Valley.

Most of my professional life has been devoted to business administration, financial management, and being a thought-partner to senior leaders in a variety of areas. In addition, I have spent the last two decades seeking to better understand how the human mind works and how we can make the most of our time and talents.

It’s been a long and winding road, but has yielded many valuable insights that only time and experience can offer.

This lifetime of work introduced me to the discipline of talent optimization, the competing values framework, polarity dynamics theory, and the “immunity to change” model — all of which have been transformative in my life and foundational in working with clients.

If you’re interested in exploring how talent optimization can help you and your organization, I’d love to connect and explore that opportunity with you!

The best way to see if there’s a good fit between us is to have a conversation. Regardless of what we decide, I promise it will be of value to you. Click to schedule a call or meeting.

Advanced Training & Specialization

* Certified KPI Practitioner (Key Polarity Indicator)
* Certified Talent Optimization Consultant (The Predictive Index)
* Certified Neuroscience Coach (School of Coaching Mastery)
* Certified Self-Discovery Practitioner (InterStrength Institute)
* Comprehensive Course in Interpersonal Neurobiology (Mindsight Institute)
* Myers-Briggs Certified Practitioner (Reynierse Revised Theory)
* Trauma Informed Care Certificate (Trauma Informed Oregon)

Books I have written: Build A World-Class Practice: 40 Strategies For Professional Service Providers; The 4 Keys To Financial Freedom: A Practical Guide to Achieving Your Financial Goals; Ten-Minute Marketing Success: Today’s Most Effective Strategies For Increasing Sales & Growing Your Business

Who I’m reading: Lisa Feldman Barrett, Anil Seth, Dan Siegel, Richard J Davidson, Susan David, Chris Niebauer, Martin Seligman, Barbara Fredrickson, Lisa Lahey & Robert Kegan, David Rock, Kevin Dutton, Michael Gazzaniga, Peter Senge, Marc Brackett, Daniel Liberman & Michael Long, Karen Armstrong, James & Janice Prochaska, Ryan Niemiec, Stephen Covey, Kim Cameron & Robert Quinn, Marcus Buckingham, Seth Godin, Carol Dweck, James Clear, Gabor Maté, Marcia Reynolds, Brian Emerson & Kelly Lewis, Barry Johnson, Todd Kashdan & Robert Biswas-Diener, Johann Hari, Dan Sullivan, Richard C Schwartz, Bernadette Jiwa, Gordon Neufeld, Benjamin Hardy, Antonio Damasio, Luke Burgis, Michael Neill, Don Miguel Ruiz & Don Miguel Ruiz Jr, Mike Zani, Ian McGilchrist, Jennifer Riel & Roger Martin, Jerome Kagan, Susan Cain…